UnDocuFund Organizer Describes Genesis of Group and Plans to Aid Fire Survivors – Dec 7, 2017

A local group is raising money to help undocumented members of the community get back on their feet after the North Bay fires.

Susan Shaw of the North Bay Organizing Project realized early on that help from insurance companies and government agencies would likely bypass undocumented community members. What resulted was the UnDocuFund. Shaw began her talk last week with evidence of why the UnDocuFund is needed.

To learn more about the UnDocuFund and listen to the entire meeting of funders and nonprofits, visit KRCB.org/news. Hear this story on demand with our free KRCB mobile app. You can also find this and past stories on our new North Bay Report Facebook page. Comment, share and give us a like there. Follow the North Bay Report on Twitter @KRCBNews.

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