Talking About Death to Enhance Life – Jan 16, 2018

What do we gain when we talk about death and listen to our neighbors on that scary subject?

Death Cafes are informal gatherings in public places where people meet to share their ideas–and fears–about death and dying. Since the idea debuted in London 17 years ago, they have spread worldwide, and now number in the thousands. Beginning on Friday, there will be one more, this one at the Sebastopol Area Senior Center. Bruce Robinson offers a preview.

The new Death Cafe at the Sebastopol Area Senior Center will hold its first session on Friday afternoon, Jan. 19, from 3:30 to 5. Additional sessions are planned for the third Friday of each month. You can find out more by calling 829-2440 or visit Hear this story on demand with our free KRCB mobile app. You can also find this and past stories on our new North Bay Report Facebook page. Comment, share and give us a like there. Follow the North Bay Report on Twitter @KRCBNews.

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