In the Wake of A Violent Month in Sonoma County, Madeline O’Connell From the YWCA Talks About Resources for Survivors of Domestic Violence – April 2, 2019

Before we start this segment, we want to warn you that we will be talking frankly about domestic violence and it may not be appropriate for children listening. The Violence Against Women Act is up for renewal in congress next week. The problem has been brought home to us in Sonoma County, with three murder-suicide cases last month involving domestic partners or spouses. Though, in one of the cases the victim had stage four cancer and had threatened suicide in the past. Adia White spoke with Madeline O’Connell, CEO of Sonoma County’s YWCA, about her attempts to educate the community on domestic violence and these recent events.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, call the YWCA crisis hotline at 564-1234. We’ll continue this discussion and have more on resources available for survivors on the North Bay Report tomorrow.