Looking in Vans and Under Bridges to Count the Homeless in Mendocino County – Feb 1, 2018

Volunteers fanned out across cities and towns in America at the end of last month on a very important mission: counting the homeless. Knowing the statistics allows communities do a better job helping people without regular shelter.

On a single night in January, volunteers all over the country participate in a federal program counting homeless people in their communities. This so-called “point in time” count occurs when the weather is at its worst in many parts of the U.S. In Mendocino County, the count began at 5 a.m. on January 25 at a soup kitchen in the county seat. Reporter Sarah Reith was there.

To learn more about the “point in time” homeless count, visit us on the web at KRCB.org/news. Hear this story on demand with our free KRCB mobile app. You can also find this and past stories on our new North Bay Report Facebook page. Comment, share and give us a like there. Follow the North Bay Report on Twitter @KRCBNews.

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